Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research

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VOLUME 46 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Late Opacification of Foldable Intraocular Lenses

Nishant Gupta, Jagat Ram, Manish Chaudhary, Jaspreet Singh Sukhija, Jaidrath Kumar

Citation Information : Gupta N, Ram J, Chaudhary M, Sukhija JS, Kumar J. Late Opacification of Foldable Intraocular Lenses. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2012; 46 (2):95-97.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1020

License: NA

Published Online: 01-06-2012

Copyright Statement:  NA



To report opacification of hydrophilic acrylic and silicone foldable intraocular lenses (IOL).


Case series.


Five patients with IOL opacification.


We report five eyes of five patients with late opacification of the intraocular lens (IOL). Three patients had hydrophilic acrylic (SC60B-OUV-MDR, Inc), two had silicone IOL (Allergan SI30NB). Two out of the three patients with opacified hydrophilic acrylic IOLs had diabetes mellitus. Three eyes with opacified acrylic IOL underwent IOL exchange with hydrophobic acrylic IOL. Two silicone IOL patients had no visually significant opacification and were managed conservatively.


IOL optic opacification in hydrophilic acrylic and silicone IOL may be due to defective material, manufacturing process, storage.

How to cite this article

Ram J, Gupta N, Chaudhary M, Sukhija JS, Gupta A, Kumar J. Late Opacification of Foldable Intraocular Lenses. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2012;46(2):95-97.

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