Incidence of Bedsore among the admitted Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Sukhpal Kaur, Amarjeet Singh, Mandeep S Dhillon, Manoj K Tewari, Parabjyot Kaur Sekhon
Citation Information :
Kaur S, Singh A, Dhillon M S, Tewari MK, Sekhon PK. Incidence of Bedsore among the admitted Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015; 49 (1):26-31.
Bedsore is a disruptive and often disabling condition affecting bedridden, infirm, debilitated and malnourished patients. We looked at the incidence of bedsores among the admitted patients in a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and methods
This was an observational cohort study covering 2408 patients. The patients were followed up every alternative day from the day of admission till their discharge/ death from the hospital. Katz index of independence in activities of daily living was used to evaluate the level of functional dependence of patients. Braden scale was used to assess the risk factors for the formation of bedsores.
A pooled incidence of 5.9% was estimated. The incidence of bedsore was maximum in intensive care units (9.4%), followed by orthopedic units (8%), emergency wards (7.7%) and neurosurgical units (6%). Mean age was 44.6 ± 17.56 (14-90 years). Unconscious patients, those admitted through emergency, and those who stayed longer in emergency and on IV fluids had a significantly higher chance of developing bedsores. This was also true for patients on Jejunostomy/Gastrostomy feed or total parenteral nutrition (TPN); who needed elevation of the head end of the bed; for whom assistance was required to change their position; and the patients whose position was changed less frequently (p < 0.05). The sacrum was the most common site for all the four stages of bedsores.
A bedsore incidence of 6% mandates an urgent need to improve the quality of patient care in various units of the hospital. Appropriate equipment, adequate manpower and administrative concern and accountability is the need of the hour.
How to cite this article
Kaur S, Singh A, Dhillon MS, Tewari MK, Sekhon PK. Incidence of Bedsore among the Admitted Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(1):26-31.
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