Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research

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VOLUME 49 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2015 ) > List of Articles


Epidemiology of Orthopedic Injuries in Indian Cricket: A Prospective One Year Observational Study

Mandeep S Dhillon, Ritesh K Soni, Sameer Aggarwal, Himmat Dhillon, Sharad Prabhakar

Citation Information : Dhillon MS, Soni RK, Aggarwal S, Dhillon H, Prabhakar S. Epidemiology of Orthopedic Injuries in Indian Cricket: A Prospective One Year Observational Study. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015; 49 (4):168-172.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1170

License: NA

Published Online: 01-12-2015

Copyright Statement:  NA



The understanding of cricket related injuries is still in its infancy in India with very limited surveillance data published from the subcontinent.


This is a prospective observational study on the epidemiology of orthopedic injuries in Indian cricket players.

Materials and methods

This study included cricketers of an elite North Indian cricket team. The study covered a period of 1 year, comprising one playing season and one off season. The player types were categorized by Orchard's injury definitions, and the term ‘All Rounder’ was introduced.


Ninety-five male players who fulfilled inclusion criteria sustained 48 significant and 12 insignificant injuries. Injury incidence documented by us (3.27 per 10,000 hours of play) was significantly lower than Australian figures (24.2 injuries/10,000 playing hours). These players did not have any ‘off day’ from the game, leading to limited rest, which was different from international standards. Bowlers sustained the most severe injuries, specifically of the lower limb, while fielders had increased risk of sustaining upper limb injury. Fast bowlers had increased risk of sustaining back trauma. Injuries were also sustained during practice and due to poor ground conditions.


Orchard's internationally accepted definitions of cricket injury need to be modified for the Indian scenario, where ‘off days’ are not observed, and many injuries which keep players from the game occur in unsupervised practice. This may influence overall incidence and prevalence rates.

How to cite this article

Dhillon MS, Soni RK, Aggarwal S, Dhillon H, Prabhakar S. Epidemiology of Orthopedic Injuries in Indian Cricket: A Prospective One Year Observational Study. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(4):168-172.

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