VOLUME 50 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2016 ) > List of Articles
Gaurav Khandelwal, Sunit Pathak
Citation Information : Khandelwal G, Pathak S. Fusidic Acid Ointment in Treatment of Recurrent Epistaxis in Children. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2016; 50 (4):194-196.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1218
License: NA
Published Online: 01-12-2016
Copyright Statement: NA
To establish fusidic acid ointment in the treatment of recurrent epistaxis in children as a local antiseptic. It was a retrospective study and a total of 184 pediatric patients’ data were analyzed. Ninety-seven patients were found to be fitting in selection criteria. The time of presentation, number of episodes, treatment received, and follow-ups were noted. Results were confirmed over the phone. Ninety-five patients had simple bleed and were managed on outpatient treatment with fusidic acid ointment and saline nasal drops, while two required admission and underwent electrocautery of offending vessel. Out of the 95 patients, 10 had initial failure of treatment in the 1st month, but with continued treatment were subsequently treated. Fifteen of these 95 had episodes in the next season. The incidence of bleeding was more in summers than winters in children. Fusidic acid ointments are safe and effective in the treatment of recurrent epistaxis in children. Clinical significance: The effectivity of fusidic acid in epistaxis has never been studied. This study can establish it as an antiseptic ointment in the treatment of recurrent epistaxis. Khandelwal G, Pathak S, Sharma M. Fusidic Acid Ointment in Treatment of Recurrent Epistaxis in Children. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2016;50(4):194-196.