Tendinopathy and Sports: Understanding the Problem and Options of Management-perspectives from Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, and Orthopedics
Himmat S Dhillon, Sidak Dhillon, Vikas Bachhal, Mandeep S Dhillon
Citation Information :
Dhillon HS, Dhillon S, Bachhal V, Dhillon M S. Tendinopathy and Sports: Understanding the Problem and Options of Management-perspectives from Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, and Orthopedics. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2017; 51 (4):175-181.
Dhillon HS, Dhillon S, Bachhal V, Dhillon MS. Tendinopathy and Sports: Understanding the Problem and Options of Management-perspectives from Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, and Orthopedics. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2017;51(4):175-181.
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