Process Evaluation of introducing Online Faculty Evaluation by Residents at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan
Khadija N Humayun, Farah N Qamar, Sana Saeed, Fozia Memon, Asif R Khowaja
Citation Information :
Humayun KN, Qamar FN, Saeed S, Memon F, Khowaja AR. Process Evaluation of introducing Online Faculty Evaluation by Residents at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2018; 52 (1):16-21.
Faculty evaluation by resident physicians is uncommon in postgraduate medical education. This study is designed to conduct process evaluation of an online faculty evaluation by postgraduate residents at Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.
Materials and methods
Action research design was utilized, and qualitative assessments were conducted between April and May 2013 at a private tertiary care hospital in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. Data were collected from the pediatric faculty and residents through focus group discussions (FGDs). The transcribed data were analyzed using computer software QSR NVivo version 10.0, and themes and subthemes were drawn.
A total of five FGDs were conducted, three with faculty members and two with residents. The participants agreed that faculty evaluation is a critical element of the residency program, as it not only facilitates in identifying areas of improvement, but also contributes toward faculty's professional growth. However, ambiguity about the purpose of evaluation, lack of understanding of the components of the online evaluation form, and problems with rating scale and review process were reported. A large majority of participants recommended arranging motivation sessions for faculty and residents, ensuring privacy of rating by residents, modifying the rating scale and analysis, and defining the process of reviewing and sharing the feedback with faculties.
Process evaluation was an important exercise and it helped to understand and improve the online faculty evaluation in the pediatric residency program.
How to cite this article
Humayun KN, Qamar FN, Saeed S, Memon F, Khowaja AR. Process Evaluation of introducing Online Faculty Evaluation by Residents at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2018;52(1):16-21.
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