Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research

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VOLUME 53 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Role of Vitamin D in Dental Health: A Review

Varun Suri, Mohit Bansal, Tarun Kalra

Keywords : Oral tissues, Teeth, Vitamin D

Citation Information : Suri V, Bansal M, Kalra T. Role of Vitamin D in Dental Health: A Review. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2019; 53 (2):85-88.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1319

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Introduction: The role of vitamin D in the development of bones is well known and documented. It also helps in preserving the oral structures, consisting of mainly the teeth and supporting structures. This is the only vitamin which is available through natural sunlight. It is the only vitamin which is found naturally in cod liver oil and butterfat. Material and methodology: The material presented in this review is a brief summary of the beneficial effects of vitamin D in various conditions, with major emphasis on dental caries, periodontal disease, the genetic basis of vitamin D and positive effect of vitamin D in the immune-compromised population. Results: Vitamin D is also known as the antirachitic factor as it prevents the occurrence of rickets in adults and osteomalacia in children. However, vitamin D3 itself is biologically inert when converted to its active form, is found to be extremely beneficial in various conditions. Conclusion: This review article focuses on various synergistic effects of vitamin D on oral health by searching a number of published articles from EBSCOhost database.

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