Neonatal Vallecular Cyst: Unusual Presentation with Near Catastrophic Respiratory Distress and Successful Treatment Using Endoscopy-assisted Plasma Ablation: A Case Report
Citation Information :
Gautam V, Basotia A. Neonatal Vallecular Cyst: Unusual Presentation with Near Catastrophic Respiratory Distress and Successful Treatment Using Endoscopy-assisted Plasma Ablation: A Case Report. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2020; 54 (1):15-16.
Congenital vallecular cyst is a rare benign laryngeal lesion which may cause stridor and life-threatening upper airway obstruction in infants. We present a case of a 4-week-old child who had respiratory distress since birth and was intubated on day 3 of life. On failure of repeated extubation trial, the child was evaluated by the otolaryngology team and a direct laryngoscopy was done which showed a cyst in the vallecula obscuring 90% of the oropharyngeal lumen. Computed tomography scan was ordered which showed a hypodense round lesion in the vallecula confirming the diagnosis. The child underwent endoscopic-assisted plasma ablation of the cyst and was successfully extubated the next day.
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