Trans-fat Free Diwali Campaign: Development of “Knowledge, Persuasion, Communication, and Participation” Model to generate Awareness about Trans Fat and its Ill Effects
Nidhi Jaswal, Arshdeep Singh, Mahendra P Singh, Poonam Khanna
Keywords :
Campaign, Communication, Health promotion, Media, Trans fats
Citation Information :
Jaswal N, Singh A, Singh MP, Khanna P. Trans-fat Free Diwali Campaign: Development of “Knowledge, Persuasion, Communication, and Participation” Model to generate Awareness about Trans Fat and its Ill Effects. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2023; 57 (1):8-14.
Background: The current study highlights the planning and implementation of a 1 month long “Trans-fat Free Diwali” campaign (21st October to 21st November 2020). It was organized in the state of Punjab and the union territory of Chandigarh using a “knowledge, persuasion, communication, and participation” (KPCP) model.
Aim and objective: To create awareness among the policymakers, producers, suppliers, and the general public about the negative health impact of trans fats for achieving an overarching “Eat Right India” movement by the Government of India.
Materials and methods: The development of the KPCP model underwent three stages: (1) review of literature; (2) Delphi analysis for developing draft model; (3) and piloting of the model. The campaign incorporated multisectoral partnerships, including health, education, entertainment, and media departments. Community participation was enabled to ensure the sustainability of the campaign and develop a sense of ownership among the general public. The relevant use of print, social, and electronic media led to the extensive awareness generation and promotion of the campaign.
Results: The ample use of print, electronic, and social media, along with messages from ambassadors, helped in behavioral change and community mobilization.
Conclusion: Such campaigns should not be a knee-jerk response but rather a sustainable action to prevent many risky behaviors.
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