Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research

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2015 | July-September | Volume 49 | Issue 3

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Meenakshi Sharma, Amarjeet Singh, Mandeep S Dhillon

Spending Time with Patients Significantly influences Outcomes of nonoperative Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:1] [Pages No:0 - 0]

   DOI: 10.5005/jpmer-49-3-v  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Ashima Goyal, Krishan Gauba, Utkal Mohanty, Amrit Tewari

Community-based Oral Health Education Program in a Rural Population of Haryana: A 25 years Experience

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:101 - 104]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1156  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



An Indian Council of medical Research (ICMR) task force project was started in 1985 covering a population of 120,000 of Raipur Rani block of Haryana to study the feasibility of implementation of oral health promotion and prevention in the community and in the schools by utilizing existing manpower at different sectors.


(i) To evaluate the long-term role of healthcare workers in imparting primary preventive strategies of oral health to adult community (ii) To study the knowledge, attitude and practice of the community regarding oral health.


A total of 600 households (300 in experimental block and 300 in control block) were included by stratified random sampling method depending on the distance from Community Health centre of Raipur Rani to assess KAP and Caries activity among the population.


The use of toothbrush as an oral hygiene method is being practiced by 96.6% of population in the experimental area compared to 84% in the control population where no oral health promotion activity was carried out. A great variation was seen in the frequency of its usage; 56% of the population in experimental area brushes twice per day compared to 7% of control area. According to the present data, 80% of the population in the experimental area is aware about the etiology, progress and consequences of gum diseases due to continuous oral health education delivered by the trained health staff during their routine beat program. In the control area where no oral health program was implemented, this knowledge was seen in 22 to 35% of the population.


In a developing country like India there is a pressing need of community-based oral health programs to reduce the burden of oral diseases, improve quality of life and reduce out of pocket expenditure incurring toward treatment of these diseases.

How to cite this article

Goyal A, Gauba K, Mohanty U, Tewari A. Community-based Oral Health Education Program in a Rural Population of Haryana: A 25 years Experience. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):101-104.



Sukhpal Kaur, Sandhya Ghai, Nadiya Krishnan, Deepika Rana, Dimple Kathania, Gagandeep Kaur, Godawari Thakur, Gurinder Kaur

Knowledge, Attitude and Perception Regarding Organ Donation among the Nursing Students

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:105 - 110]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1157  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Kaur S, Ghai S, Krishnan N, Rana D, Kathania D, Kaur G, Thakur G, Kaur G. Knowledge, Attitude and Perception Regarding Organ Donation among the Nursing Students. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):105-110.



Vikas Gupta, DR Prithviraj, Ninad Muley

Current Scenario of Dentistry and Role of Dental Institutions in Providing Education and Care in India

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:111 - 114]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1158  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



India is the largest democracy and the second most populated country in the world. Because of this, Indian healthcare industry is experiencing quick transformation owing to the increasing demand for quality healthcare. This huge market of dental industry in India has also made a remarkable impact on the dental education.

Search strategy

PubMed (using medical subject headings) database was searched in the English language by using the following combinations of keywords: dental education, dental colleges, dentist: population ratio, dental council of India. Other articles were identified from the reference lists of the articles. The data from the identified studies were collected and reviewed.


Through this article admission procedure, fees structure, dental curriculum, work culture and pay scale of dental institutes has been discussed. Existing dental taskforce and dentist population ratio of India has been discussed. Measures to be taken to improve the scenario of oral healthcare for the Indian population have been enlightened.

How to cite this article

Gupta V, Prithviraj DR, Muley N. Current Scenario of Dentistry and Role of Dental Institutions in Providing Education and Care in India. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):111-114.



Khushbu Meena, Aashima Arora, Jasvinder Kalra, Praveen Kumar, Aman Sharma, Sunil Arora

Perinatal Transmission of HIV in Women Receiving Antiretroviral Prophylaxis/Therapy during Pregnancy with Zidovudine, Lamivudine, and Nevirapine: Experience at Tertiary Care Center in India

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:115 - 120]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1159  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



To compare the perinatal transmission rate, maternal and neonatal outcome among HIV positive women on triple drug antiretroviral therapy (ART) with women receiving antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis for prevention of mother to child transmission (MTCT).

Materials and methods

This prospective study recruited all HIV positive antenatal women who delivered at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh from June 2010 to December 2011. The rate of HIV perinatal transmission was calculated in the two groups. The perinatal outcome was studied in the form of birth weight, gestation at delivery, mode of delivery, maternal morbidity and mortality.


The overall HIV transmission rate was 13.3% (10% in ART group and 15% in ARV group). A trend was seen toward a lower MTCT among women in ARV prophylaxis group who delivered by elective cesarean section (CS) as compared to vaginal delivery (7.7 vs 16.7%).


The vertical transmission rate of HIV was lower among women receiving triple drug ART. The mode of delivery did not affect the transmission rate in this group.

How to cite this article

Meena K, Arora A, Bagga R, Kalra J, Kumar P, Sharma A, Arora S. Perinatal Transmission of HIV in Women Receiving Antiretroviral Prophylaxis/Therapy during Pregnancy with Zidovudine, Lamivudine, and Nevirapine: Experience at Tertiary Care Center in India. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):115-120.



Anil Bhansali, Abhimanyu Saini, Daisy Sahni

Predominant Causes of Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents vs Adults of Northwest India

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:121 - 125]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1160  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Saini A, Sahni D, Bhansali A. Predominant Causes of Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents vs Adults of Northwest India. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):121-125.



Tarundeep Singh, Amarjeet Singh Minhas

Factors Affecting Quality of Home Based Long-term Care Provision for the Bedridden Patients in Chandigarh, North India

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:126 - 131]

   DOI: 10.5005/jpmer-49-3-126  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



To determine the factors affecting the quality of home based long-term care (LTC) provision for the adult bedridden patients in Chandigarh, India.

Materials and methods

This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 bedridden patients in Chandigarh. Disability was assessed using the Katz index and an interview schedule based on Craig handicap assessment and reporting technique (CHART) was used to assess the care provision to the bedridden patients. Available medical records and brief medical examination were also conducted on the spot. Quality of care was assessed based on the Donabedian model. Factors associated with the quality of care provision, based on literature, were examined for association in the study cases.


Mean age of the bedridden patients was 69 years. Sixtyeight patients lived in joint families. All had total dependence in the domains of bathing, dressing, toileting and transfer. The commonest cause of disability was neurological diseases. Mean duration of being bedridden was 16.4 months. Though the rates of complications like urinary infections (89%), bedsores (54%) were quite high, 57% patients reported satisfaction with the quality of care they were receiving. However, only 18 males and 6 females subjects were receiving good quality care according to our evaluation. Ownership of property/money by the subject was the only factor found to be associated with good quality of care. Gender of the subject, degree of disability, type of family in which the subject was living in and whether the patient is currently married or not did not seem to significantly affect the quality of care received by the subjects.


Though more than half of the study subjects reported subjective satisfaction with the quality of care being received, objective evaluation based on the study criteria showed that only a quarter were actually receiving good quality care. Furthermore, the economic worth seemed to positively influence the quality of care being received by the subjects.

How to cite this article

Singh T, Minhas AS. Factors Affecting Quality of Home Based Long-term Care Provision for the Bedridden Patients in Chandigarh, North India. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):126-131.



Varun Suri, Rimpi Singla

Effect of Periodontal Diseases on Pregnancy

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:7] [Pages No:132 - 138]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1162  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Suri V, Singla R. Effect of Periodontal Diseases on Pregnancy. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3): 132-138.



Sanjay Yadav, Chandra Shekhar Yadav, Nishikant Kumar, Ashok Kumar

Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Case of Tuberculosis Knee in Healing Stage: Is it Safe?

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:139 - 142]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1163  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Association of tuberculosis and total hip joint replacement (THR) is described with or without antitubercular treatment (ATT) cover but total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in early disease in single-stage is uncommonly reported. We wish to share our clinical experience in such a case.

Case description

A 22-year-old male presented with pain and swelling of left knee for 7 months. It was drained at local health facility with sinus development. Tuberculosis was diagnosed by clinic-radiological evaluation and ATT was started. Sinus healed but disabling pain and knee stiffness with flexion deformity persisted. Radiographs revealed destructive osteoarticular arthritis with periarticular osteopenia. Debridement followed by TKA in single-stage was done with posterior-stabilized implant. Postoperative period was uneventful. Histopathological analysis confirmed chronic granulomatous synovitis with caseation necrosis suggestive of mycobacterial infection. After 1-year, ATT was discontinued and patient was disease-free.

Clinical relevance

Single-stage prosthetic knee joint arthroplasty can be safely performed under adequate ATT coverage in early disease provided response to medical treatment is good. Patient counseling regarding compliance with ATT and postoperative protocol is important in ensuring success.

How to cite this article

Yadav S, Yadav CS, Kumar N, Kumar A. Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Case of Tuberculosis Knee in Healing Stage: Is it Safe? J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3): 139-142.



Manoj Kumar Roy, Apratim Chatterjee, Anup Sarkar, Koushik Roy, Durjoy Lahiri, Rakesh Agarwal, Sumanto Mukhopadhyay, Jotideb Mukhopadhyay

An Interesting Unusual Case of Hypokalemic Quadriparesis in 48 Years Hypertensive Male Patient: A Liddle's Syndrome

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:3] [Pages No:143 - 145]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1164  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Roy MK, Chatterjee A, Sarkar A, Roy K, Lahiri D, Agarwal R, Mukhopadhyay S, Mukhopadhyay J. An Interesting Unusual Case of Hypokalemic Quadriparesis in 48 Years Hypertensive Male Patient: A Liddle's Syndrome. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2015;49(3):143-145.



Suchet Sachdev, Ashish Jain, Hari Krishan Dhawan, Ratti Ram Sharma, Neelam Marwaha

Mistaken Identity of a Voluntary Plateletpheresis Donor; Reiterating the Importance of Positive Identification in the Blood Transfusion Chain

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:2] [Pages No:146 - 147]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1165  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Clinicopathological Conference Report

Prashant Sharma, Ashim Das, Pankaj Malhotra, Nandita Kakkar, Vani Bharani, Vishrut K Srinivasan, CR Pruthvi

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Extensive Myeloid Metaplasia: A Diagnostic Dilemma

[Year:2015] [Month:July-September] [Volume:49] [Number:3] [Pages:7] [Pages No:148 - 154]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10028-1166  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


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